When I posted the photo of these tofu tacos on my social media accounts, soon I started getting requests for the recipe. And rightly so. These tacos are super easy to make and taste great and are chock full of all the good stuff.
I recently got the Food Network’s The Best and Lightest cookbook to review and have been enjoying my time cooking through it. The recipe for these tofu tacos is from that cookbook. I have had great success in all the recipes I have tried and look forward to trying more from the cookbook. You can read more about my review here. And if healthier meals in 2016 is your goal, you might want to check this book out
I did want to make a more V-day oriented recipe and post and while these tacos would be great any day, I had originally planned to do a more sweet (read chocolate) oriented post like . These eclairs that I posted on my instagram were my choice but I made a mistake with the choux dough and I did not get the right shape. They tasted great though and V and I have been chowing them down like crazy. Hopefully a few more tries and I will be able to post a recipe soon. Instead I am sharing these tofu tacos recipe today.
And if you are looking for some sweet ideas you can try these recipes: