(This is Post 3 in the series Cooking with the Books.)

I started the “Cooking with the books” series to reacquaint myself with the hoards of cookbooks I have on my bookshelf. And I am so happy that I did.

All the cookbooks that I have bought (new or second hand) have been bought after thoroughly going through their reviews on amazon or other sites. So I knew I have a good collection of cookbooks. But I never took too much advantage of it- always trying recipes on other people’s blogs ( I blame pinterest!) or recipes that I have come up with after eating something I like or one of my mom’s recipes. The cookbooks, as a result, always ended up eating dust.

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I actually forgot about this month’s swap. I do not know why, but I was under the impression that Christianna had said we will take a break for the month of January.

I guess it was the lazy-holiday bone in me that probably convinced my brain that we were on a break.

So when Christianna sent us a reminder last week, I was in panic.

I had nothing. As always.

And this time’s recipe swap asked us to do something I am really not comfortable with.

Use raw egg yolks!


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