I did the mistake of making a Raw chocolate banana smoothie for breakfast today. I have never been 100% sure that I am “allergic” to bananas because there were always other variables to the equation when I would get my severe stomach aches. But once I eliminated bananas from my diet, I was fine. I know that is proof enough but I had been thinking of trying bananas one more time just to be absolutely sure they were the culprit. So I thought I’ll try today. Mainly because bananas are really filling and they are the perfect addition to a raw smoothie, making it creamy and thick.
For someone who has no problem with bananas, this is a great recipe and food to take for breakfast when on a raw diet. But for me, it got my stomach into knots. Not as bad as it usually is, because this time I made sure that I had a celery stick every few hours. The moment I would get a hint of pain in my stomach I would grab a celery stick from the refrigerator. Celery somehow helped calm the situation in my guts!