Steamed Chicken MomosSteamed Chicken Momos | The Novice Housewife

Kickstarting the new year with the first Garam Masala Tuesdays post of 2014 and I promise I will TRY to be more regular with it!

I have done a vegetarian version of momos before (and all the people who think meat versions are the only way to go, really need to give the vegetarian version I posted earlier a try). Today I thought I will share a chicken version.

As mentioned in that post, yes I am aware that momos or dumplings or dimsums- whatever you may call them- their origins are not Indian, but they are very much a part of Indian cuisine if you ask for my opinion. And whatever position you take on the origins of this dish, there is no denying that momos have always been popular as a cheap snack food in much of North and Eastern India and very much loved by all.

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I hate packing.

It is right up there with washing a pressure cooker and house lizards *shiver*. If left up to me I would leave packing for the last minute. Or outsource it to someone. But the problem with being a Capricorn is that you never think anybody else can do half as good a job as you can. So I never let anyone else pack (the only exception being my dad). And that means I am always packing at the last minute. My dad who knows this habit and how I panic right at the end, has been reminding me since three days that I should pack. I, being me, of course only heeded that advice today. I leave tomorrow early morning.

I don’t know why I hate packing so much. Maybe because I always make it such an elaborate affair.

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