This is how my photography was. To be fair, I was using an iPhone and the picture was taken outside on a starry night!
I know I have been slow with my posts and might be even more slow in the coming few weeks. I am in India and have been traveling a lot, hence the absence. These days I am in Delhi at V’s parents’ place. Delhi has always been home for me. My high school was here, college was here and so was my masters. It feels great to be here- the traffic jams during rains, the millions of people here from all walks of life, the honking of cars, the malls with all my favorite brands, the dhabas and the amazingly delicious food that they serve- its an awesome feeling to be back here.
The other day my friend back in the States mailed me and was telling me about this article she was reading about Delhi and it talked about how many people there are here and it reminded me of this thing my mom told me. Recently, my sister-in-law met this Swedish lady who comes every year to cleanse her system in India. The lady is suffering from cancer and she comes to India for ayurvedic massages and spiritual healing. When my sister-in-law asked her what is it about India that attracts her, she replied- the people- there are so many of them here and it is just so entertaining to watch them. And that’s so true, there is never a dull moment in India. Even while traveling alone in an autorikshaw here, more likely than not the auto guy would put blaring Bollywood music for you, full of beats and a dull journey is made fun! Yes, there are potholes here, letches who make it hell for girls to travel alone, electricity and water issues and overly crowded streets, but once here, its all so magical- much more than just a land of snake charmers!
Coming back to food, I am sure the title would interest most of you. Well, when I say vegetarian fish, its not fish actually. Though lot of people do consider themselves vegetarian even if they eat fish. I know! isn’t a fish a meat too?? Well, I will leave that for the pure vegetarians to debate. The so called “fish” that I talk about here is basically, a short crust pastry dough that is stuffed with some vegetables and shaped like a fish. Its something my mom makes at parties and everyone raves about it- which says a lot because she tends to make 15 odd dishes at a party and if ones shines out in particular- it must be good (and it actually is!).