I am depressed.
so not pregnant!
My friend, lets call her Madame M, started a blog called the Pious Hippie a few months back.
Madame M and I have been friends for 9 years now. We met in college and instantly connected. Madame M has always been the intelligent types- class topper in school, and the streak followed her to college.
If ever I had a sister, I (and am sure I can vouch the same for my mom) would want her to be exactly like Madame M. I mean the girl is seriously talented. Intelligence aside, she is witty, writes amazingly well, is beautiful, cooks well, is charming, dresses great and well I could go on and on about her, but the bottom line is she is one of the best persons in my life and thanks to her I am a better person today.
In college, Madame M was the chef. My friend Ruchi and I would just lie on her bed, entering the kitchen only when it was time for us to eat.
Yup. My friends were amused when I started a food blog.
Madame M was the cook and I bet she can still beat my a** off when it comes to cooking. I guess she gets it from her mom.
Today, Madame M has been kind enough to guest post for me.
Do check her blog. Its quite interesting, with a lot of wit and humor thrown in. She tries to illustrate all her thoughts with drawings. You’ll get an idea of what I mean from this blog post.
Handing over to Madame M.
Daniel Pink, in his book, A Whole New Mind, said that human beings are now searching for meaning in their day to day lives. Work just for work’s sake isn’t going to cut it any longer.
We want to do something that has meaning; that makes a difference in the world. We are looking for ‘our calling’.
I was deeply impressed by the book. And this particular chapter- on Meaning- made me think about the meaning of my life. What was my calling?
Dedication: en route on vacation and typing this blog post.
Appreciation: the good people at PocketChange recognized the hard work and dedication put in this site and were kind enough to award the blog with their Be@Home Award! (Do check out their site)
A completely unexpected high: winning August’s Daring Bakers’ chocolate challenge for my white chocolate, malibu & blueberry dipped chocolate. More so, because every candy I saw on the forum was drool worthy awesome!
Life’s lesson: a failure can be turned into a prize winning success, if you don’t give up too soon (the winning chocolate was a result of a failed recipe- for the whole story read here)
Now, elaborating the first statement (don’t I sound all business-like. Look, papa I am putting my MBA to good use!).
Well, the reason why I am writing this post en route Grand canyon to Vegas is two-fold (and papa, you thought my MBA degree is going to a waste, ha!).
One, the scene outside is not so exciting anymore and the radio is not playing my favorite songs. V and my mom are asleep and the driver, my dad, is busy driving. So, I am bored and so the post (love my iPhone ‘notes’).
Two, (which is the actual reason, else I would have followed suit to mom and V) since I love leaving things to the last minute, I had no option to work on it to meet the swap date and time posting requirements.
*Update: Thanks to the non-functioning complimentary wi-fi of our hotel, the post is being posted later than it should have*