Hi and thanks for stopping by 🙂 !
I am Shumaila and I do the cooking, baking, eating, writing, styling and photography for the Novice Housewife. I am a twenty eight nine thirty one five year old Indian (absolutely in love with my country), Sikh by religion, with a muslim name and a Hindu husband (Vikram or known on the blog as V) presently living in the US India and trying my hand at making cakes/cookies/cupcakes for a living.
Update December 2015: I have moved back to the US and now am in Dallas, Texas with my husband V after a wonderful year of baking cakes, cupcakes, cookies for my venture The Pink CakeBox in Chandigarh, India. As of October 2016, I have moved back to Chandigarh, India and am working as freelance food and lifestyle photographer, while still sharing my love for food on the blog here.
Update March 2016: I have launched my photography brand under the label MuddyChoux Photography. Why the name MuddyChoux? Growing up I had a fairly uncommon name and people always mispronounced it. I have heard many variations of my name (including Somalia, the country), but the most common was shoe-mela, which in Hindi translates to a dirty/muddy shoe. And thats how one of my friends’ husband nicknamed me as. Since my main focus in photography has been on food, I thought Muddy Choux (which is a play on my name and related to food – choux pastry in particular) would be apt for my photography brand. A lot of credit for the name goes to my friend Ruchi who suggested using muddy instead of dirty since that has a chocolate connotation to it and well, sounds better. Coincidentally, her husband is the one who nicknamed me Dirty Shoe.
Update May 2020: I am now working in Delhi as a freelance food stylist and photographer. I also develop recipe for brands and make food videos in collaboration with them. My marriage with V did not work, but thankfully we parted on good mutual terms. I remarried in November 2019 to my best friend Anubhav (he makes his debut on the blog with his phing recipe ). I took a break from blogging due to work assignments but thanks to the corona virus pandemic, might get regular now.
More About Me
I love talking, reading, thinking, dreaming about food and come from a family of foodies.
I have grown up on some of the best home cooked meals that my mom would laboriously make for my brother, my father and me. My dad hardly ever cooks, but when he does he makes a mean spaghetti sauce and some pretty juicy and flavorful chicken kebabs. For me though, cooking only came post marriage, and even though I don’t mind cooking as much, baking is where my heart lies.
Why I blog
After getting married and moving to a completely new place (on a different continent)- with no friends, no job (and no chance of getting one) and left for hours to do nothing in a small mining town, I needed an outlet. I felt very unproductive and I needed something to change that. I also have a very busy mind- and thought rather than talking to myself, its better I pen the thoughts down somewhere. To keep me sane.
I started the blog on July 28, 2010 as a place to document my newly married life and a place to store the recipes I was trying, and of course as a way to keep myself busy.
My thing with cooking (I still won’t call it love- baking is my true love) was actually born more out of a necessity than any passion. The place where we stay has just 3 restaurants, out of which one always gives me food poisoning and the other is limited on the vegetarian and chicken options (my husband’s preferences), actually that goes for the third restaurant as well. None of them serve my three favorite cuisines- Italian, thai and indian. So if I want to have something nice, I have to make it. And since I do not do frozen foods, I can not stock up on these cuisines either. So I have to cook my way out.
Update November 2015: We have moved to Dallas and now we live right opposite a bar and several restaurants walking distance away; life is good even though fitting into skinny jeans is a long painful task.
I blog with the whole intention that good things are meant to be celebrated and shared. I don’t claim to be an expert in the world of cooking (and hence the name of the blog), so if you see a mistake or are not particularly fond of a recipe, please let me know but do it kindly. I am a little sensitive.
My food philosophy
I have always been a fan of unprocessed food, because that’s what I have grown up on, favouring beautiful natural produce to canned, pre-packaged stuff. Its more labor intensive but I just feel that the effort is worth it. But, to be fair, I understand that there are cases of time crunch and you have no choice but to use some processed stuff. So while most of the recipes you find on my blog are made from scratch and with fresh ingredients, there are few in the list that use processed food. Like my friend, Jamie’s crockpot tater tot casserole.
Thanks to a friend, I now always buy full fat milk and thin it down in my own kitchen with water to decrease its fat content, rather than buying the more unnatural fat free milk. I also believe that butter in less quantity is better than low fat dairy spread. Also, full-fat natural yoghurt is the way to go. Just have small portions of the real stuff- that’s my philosophy. And eat a bucket load of vegetables. I went raw for a week and even though I know its not possible to go 100% raw (for me personally at least), try and include as many veggies you in your diet. You will love the difference.
About the recipes
Earlier, I would put everything and anything that I made in my kitchen on the blog. That was when my readers were only people I knew. But, as the blog grew popular and I realized people were actually trying out my recipes, I felt a little more responsible for what recipes get on the site. Now, it is more a place to store my favorite recipes, though I still talk about my (failed and other) experiments from time to time. I generally don’t publish a post regarding a new recipe on the same day I try it. I photograph everything I make though, and what turns out nice is drafted and put on the blog.
As for coming up with what to make. I day dream a lot, and a lot of my day dreams revolve around food- could be something I had at a restaurant, or something I had when I was in India or something I saw on somebody’s blog, on Food Network or something that just came to my mind. I also own a ton of cookbooks and spend a lot of time on pinterest. I keep bookmarking stuff I see, and then when I feel like making something new, I check my pins, or my ever-increasing pile of cookbooks or my iPhone notes and tally it with what I have in the refrigerator, and make something.
You won’t find beef or pork recipes on the site and on very rare occasions will you come across a seafood recipe. While I have no religious issues with any kind of meat, V is a chicken-a-tarian (its a word!) except on Tuesdays and Saturdays when he is a vegetarian who does not eat egg (but not a vegan because he will drink milk on these days). And since he is the person I cook for (besides you guys), there is an absence of recipes with meat other than that of chicken.
And since I am allergic to bananas, something I got to know only after I came to the US, you will most likely not see a banana recipe on the blog except for my first post ever- the banana bundt cake. Somehow over the span of 3 years that has changed and I am perfectly fine eating bananas now.
What you’ll see here is: A lot of comfort foods, things like bread, cookies, farewell cupcakes, birthday cakes made entirely from scratch and a lot of Indian recipes from the best samosas you will ever have to crockpot dals.
About the photographs
All the photographs on the blog are styled and shot by me. When I started this blog I used to shoot with a Sony point and shoot camera but now use my Nikon D7000 and the 50mm f/1.4
lens for almost all the recent photographs you see on the blog. I would like to upgrade to a full frame digital SLR and own a few other lenses, but for now this is what I can afford, and I am not cribbing.
As of mid-December 2015, I am the proud owner of a 105mm f/2.8 macro lens.
Mid November 2016, I switched to a full frame Nikon D750 and I love it. I also own a Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8.
In 2018, I added a Nikon D850 to my kit.
I love photographing food, be it from my DSLR or my iPhone. I also love styling the dishes I prepare and budget permitting, love to stock up on food props. I love shopping for clothes but my love for collecting antique silverware, cool plates and backgrounds sometimes triumphs over the former.
If you want to use any of my photographs for any purpose, please do take my permission first. Each and every photograph has been clicked after a lot of thought, planning and effort. Please appreciate that and give due credit.
Comments, emails, social networking and copyright
Your thoughts, suggestions, feedback and everything you have to say is very important for me. So, please leave a note/email/facebook message and let me know.
I love getting your emails and comments. But please know I am the laziest person ever. That said, I do try my level best to get back in touch with you, even if it means getting back to you after a month- exceptions are there when someone has a doubt regarding a recipe- then I reply instantly.
Every detail on this blog is copyright of The Novice Housewife. Blogging is a lot of work and I spend a lot of time and effort in all the posts that I share with you here. So, please keep that in mind and give credit to my work.
You can follow me on instagram, facebook, twitter and pinterest or subscribe to me via email. I am most active on instagram and facebook. Joined the twitter bandwagon quite late and still trying to figure out how to be regular on it.
And in the end, some randomness!
If you choose to follow this blog, you will soon learn that I can be very random at times. So here are some random notes about me:
- I hate boiled carrots. I love raw carrots but boiled I cant eat. Just. Do. Not. Like. Them.
- I can’t have a single piece of gum. There has to be at least two. Three or even more is fine. Just can’t be one.
- I have a horrible case of stage fright and hate being the centre of attention (not that I ever am). That’s why I can’t do speeches (or when on the rare occasion I do get on stage I generally drench in sweat and make multiple trips to the restroom). For the same reason, I can’t take compliments. If you compliment me and I show a weird face or try to refute you, please dont think I am rude, its just I am designed that way. I dont like being put in the spot and have always liked being the silent backstage helper.
- I have irrational fears, like the ones I talk about here.
- Ryan Gosling is my soul mate. He just doesnt know it yet.
- I want to own a bakery. A small little quaint european style bakery. Nothing big. Just something which serves the best stuff in town, and where people know your name ;)!
- I hate throwing stuff. Even cardboard. Im a hoarder of junk things because I feel something or the other can either be made out of the stuff to be thrown or it can be recycled into something useful. I have been like this since a child. So you would find lots of pen holders on my desk made out of recycled cans etc.
- I have five grey hair strands. That I know of.
- I am the clumsiest person I know of. I have bruises all over my body as a result of me smashing into furniture or a door or the wall. Its been a norm that I have to drop my drink on myself atleast once during a party.
- I smile a lot when I am with company. I smile when I am uncomfortable. I also smile when I dont know what to say. Someone actually commented that is my name pronounced as Smila (since I would always smile in front of this person). I didn’t know should I thank her for the compliment or get offended.
- I can be a control freak. Sometimes. All the time. But have improved after my 10 day Vipasana stint.
- I hate washing dishes, especially the pressure cooker. My hatred for lizards though trumps the pressure cooker dislike.
- I have a pimple on my cheek in the picture above.
If you have a question or comment, feel free to email me at thenovicehousewifeblog@gmail.com
good orange muffins!!
Thanx ma!
Really enjoyed reading the blog…….Finally understood what a blog is…….Shockingly enough this if the first blog I have ever visited(if that’s the correct thing to do to a blog)…. Really missing you and proud of your writing and well…baking skills….count me as a regular member
Hmm…I think u view a blog…visit shud also b fine..I too am not sure-wht d correct terminology is…..miss u too bro! keep reading coz I plan to post everyday!Love u!
Dude i am so proud of u!!!! 🙂 🙂
very soon you cn hv ur own cookery book…(full desperate housewife style..;)
Haha..yea totally!!thnx babe…miss u!
Dude this is outstanding work…i have the link added to my favorites already 😀
Aww… thanx elgo!!:)
its simply grt, love to tell u that me n pa are so proud of u baby, u narrated ur new life with Vik so well n afterthat having expertise in most difficult are of home is just amazing, love both of u, lking fwd to see u soon.mom
Thank u mama! Looking fwd to seeing you too!!!
Wow shumaila this is awesome was searching for pyaaz ki Kachori and reached your blog… double nostalgia… having made pyaaz ki Kachori and remembering school days ….
Loved your blog will be a regular visitor here for all my experimental cooking
Hey Shallu!
just saw this as a link on ur gtalk and decided to check it out,
am quite impressed at ur cooking skills! its something i am trying to catch hold of as well, need to learn some quick easy-to-do recipes while on my own 🙂
good going!
nice to know you are well and happy
big warm hugsX
Awww…thanx so much- still learning though but thanx!! Hope all goes well with u too!
Hey!! Wow yaar, its a really cool blog! I’m sure Adsense must be really busy picking up the right number of hits on this page! Hehe 🙂 Just saw this. Would definitely catch up with the posts.. Keep blogging!
Hey Shashank! Thanks! Yea I hope Adsense is!;) Started the blog to keep myself busy and enjoy it now! Hope all goes well with you!
LOVE all your posts and I look forward to reading your new experiments each week 🙂 When are you sending over a batch of brownies or some of that lemon chifon cake to NYC? They will actually taste better if hand-delivered! 😉 Hope to see you soon!! -Arushi
Hey Arushi!
Thanks! Would love to hand deliver them! Wanna come to NY! But u should also plan a trip this side too. Will talk soon!
Hi There,
Got referred to your blog by a good friend(?). Refreshing and honest are two words that spring to mind. You’ve done well! I bake sporadically, and will most definitely pinch a few recipes off you. Love the way you incorporate pics in your posts, they tell a story by themselves. I wish I could put in half as much effort into my posts.
All the best with your journey, needless to say I’ll keep following your posts!
Thanks a ton!!:) :)feel free to pinch off a few recipes!
Hey Shumi!!!
How u been ya??? Really impressed with your blog, and particularly your writing. Some very interesting and appealing dishes…Like your quote on Experiments of a Housewife and on taking over the reins of the house…so hows the transition been?
P.S I’m gonna ask my mom to pinch off a few recipes too 😉
Hi there Shumaila!
My name is Steve Walters and I recently started blogging at http://www.eatingbangkok.com, which is currently being updated with recipes, but in the next few months will be my vehicle for covering the food and restaurant scene in Bangkok Thailand.
I am now in the process of meeting as many food bloggers as I can and I found your site http://thenovicehousewife.wordpress.com recently and was pretty impressed. I’ve added your site to my Foodie Blogs list here: http://www.eatingbangkok.com/foodie-blogs/ and would also like to add you to my blogroll.
If you could add my site to your blogroll and write back to let me know it has been added I will add you to mine as well and the exchange would be greatly appreciated!
As you might imagine I am very excited to get moved to Bangkok and get started on covering the food scene there as I feel it is an area that isn’t well covered by English speaking bloggers. I plan on adding loads of great reviews, pictures and even video and will be holding contests as well. It should be fun, entertaining and informative for everyone that visits.
Thank you so much in advance for adding me to your blogroll and I look forward to reading your posts (I’ve subscribed!) and maybe even featuring some of your own posts as I do plan on a weekly roundup of Thai themed recipes and posts from other food bloggers.
Warm regards,
P.S. If you are on Twitter I would love to have you as a follower and I follow back:
Hey Milo,
How you been?? Just saw this link on ur gtalk and so glad that i did !
Ur writing is actually making cooking & baking sound do-able ! 😉
Good going.. take care.. enjoy yourself gurl..
Hey Shalu di!
The blog is beautiful and so motivating!
Love your writing and illustrations!!
Will definitely be trying those lovely breads and cakes.
Good luck with it! 🙂
Hey Apurva!
Thanks so much! I too enjoy your pictures on facebook! Happy baking!
I enjoy that your blog title could be read two ways and still be awesome:
The Novice Housewife
The No Vice Housewife
Your food looks amazing and I will totally be trying the recipes out. Hopefully, my novice cooking skills turn out food as awesome as yours!
Oh yeah it does!! Never thought of it as the No Vice Housewife…haha…but then that would not be entirely true! And hope you do try something out and enjoy the recipe as much as we have! Thank you for appreciating!:)
hey dee
i’ve got a new hobby … cooking 🙂
and dad’s been telling me to check out your website .. it’s really good =D ..
all the recepies look great and i’m going to try them out =)
Hi Shumaila,
Thanks for stopping by the other day.You have a awesome blog with yummy recipes.I m specially loving all the baking recipes- gotta try some soon.Good Writing & Good Food..keep’em coming!
Thanks Tanvi! 🙂
i came across ur blog while searchin for somethin on google, since then i am following it on n off. believe me ur presentation n writing skills are equally good as good as ur receipes are. i must say; “i m impressed!”
looks like i m gonna b a regular follower of ur blogs.
keep up d good work.
Hey thank you for dropping by and a bigger thanks for the lovely comment! Hope you continue enjoying my blog and have fun trying out the recipes I post about!
Very interesting blog! I’ll be tuned 🙂
This is the first time I have ever blogged!! It seems to be a good start for a foodie like me.. Heard a lot about you and your site from my better half but dint know all she use to tell is really that big! I am really impressed and you definitely are an inspiration to my wife and all other “housewives”. Would love to be a follower of your blog and a very happy blogiversary – know that is late but as they say “better late than never”.
Loads of good luck!!
Sorry i meant *visited your blog..(never blogged!!!)
Thanks Mihir! You brought a huge smile on my face with that comment!
hey dear..
This is awesome……..I was always told that u were a good cook….but never knew that u are such a good writer…..good going LADY…..
Hey Saroj!
Thanks so much! Such encouraging comments keep me going! 🙂
Great going!! Cheers from an old friend here
Thanks Andrew! Great that you stopped on by!
Amazing recipes. Too bad I could never make them 😛 But I sure will try when I get the chance. Good luck for future recipes.
Thanks Samrat for dropping by and appreciating! Hope you do try a recipe one of these days!
Well guess what! I have finished my post grad and joined my new office. So basically shifted to a flat. Now I am trying my hands at cooking! And I am going to try your recipes… 🙂 They really look delicious! Either they are delicious or you are a good photographer. 😛
Thanks Samrat! I am sure you will enjoy cooking- those gulab jamuns looked great.
hiii bhabi
i came across this link on facebook…n wow its amazing 😀 .never knew, you so good at cooking…i simply loved the recipes and the little stories, experience and pictures you’v shared makes it even more interesting to read….i have added the site to my favorite links 🙂 Keep up the good work 🙂
hope all’s well at your end.
lotsaa luv
Hey Shumaila,
I know about your blog for a long time, but read through it today! I must say, I have enjoyed reading every bit of it. 🙂
I personal am a lame cook, but reading through your recipes does inspire me to try out new recipes! By the way, I also feel “Masterchef” is calling you!
Keep it up!
Best wishes,
Hi Shumaila,
Just stumbled on your blog after a search for whole wheat carrot cupcake 🙂 Looking forward to many more great recipes. Cheers !
Awesome!!!!! I love the pictures and the recipes (of course). Everything is so bright and colorful… my favorite combinations when checking out food blogs. (smile)
Thanks for dropping by Tameka! Hope you try the recipe and like it!
Super Shallu,
Mom and Amrisha just told me about your blog ….love it!
Shallu this is awesome! Mom and Amrisha just told me ….great going!
Thanks so much for checking out my blog! Yours is so pretty! Great ideas!
Hey, I just started reading your blog thank you for writing. As an FYI that it’s not displaying properly on the BlackBerry Browser (I have a Pearl). Anyway, I’m now subscribed to your RSS feed on my laptop, so thanks again!
I am really enjoying your blog, Shumaila. And what a great idea to have Garam Masala Tuesdays. I absolutely love Indian food, and have been experimenting myself here and there. But I must confess that I have never ever tried cooking with Garam Masala. 🙂
Thank you so much for such a lovely comment. And like I mentioned on my first Garam Masala post- I hardly use garam masala myself. So you are cooking like a true indian! 🙂
This is awsome! Stuning photos, too 🙂
wonderful to be here. bests :)))))))))))))))))))))
Absolutely fantastic blog! Love all ur pix and some wonderful recipes u have!! 🙂
Great stuff… Every time I go through your blog, I crave for some yum food and end up over eating… lol !!
I would love to read your cookery book someday …. 🙂
p.s– i am ready to co-sponsor it!!
Thanks for the information I like following your blog.
Hi Shumaila!
I discovered your blog thru Pinterest where I surf along looking for baking recipes I can try. Have noted down a coule I would love to give a go at and will link back to you! 🙂 Tks for sharing and I should give you a high-five for all your efforts! 🙂
Thanks Shobana! Hope you like the recipes! Do let me know in case of any problems in the recipe.
Hi Shumaila! I love reading your blog and looking at your mouth-drooling photos! Here’s an award for you, hope you like it! 🙂
Hi Shum!! Loved going through the blog & incredible recipes..cant wait to try these myself..wish you the very best sweety..shall stay tuned for all the updated..cheers!!
Have nominated you for the very inspiring blogger award! Love your blog, your pictures…your food and your attitude to life. Keep it up!
Thank you so much for the award and the lovely comment:)
Hey Shumaila,
Had heard abt your blog a lot , especially from nijo and shwe but finally I got to see it today. It was a real fun going through it and loved the way you have incorporated pics with your food journey. Would def try out the recipes…good going! Big thumbs up!
I finally could read you blog. You make interesting observations. And surely loved your journey too. Thanks for sharing. keep writing and inspiring ….Cheers!!!
Wow…So many recipes that I can’t wait to try! 🙂
Hey Dude have heard about your blog a lot occasionally seen the pictures too !! But to be honest have not read the entire one ever …. I am the foodie who loves to eat a lot but never got the urge to explore the scene behind it 🙂 A very refreshing piece of writing to read on a Friday morning for at least people like us who are stuck on excel and ppts at the moment 🙂 And your recipe section do give a sense of awesomeness in the food …. wish I could have got some of the outputs right now … Keep posting and real pleasure to read this one
Cheers !!
P.S :- Hoping you do remember me if not just to reiterate ….batch mate from IIFT 09 LOL !!
Shomu! Of course I remember you! I dont have THAT bad a memory!! And thank you so much for the comment 🙂 🙂 I too keep seeing and hearing about your acting skills from Bhatti and facebook! If I was in Delhi would have definitely come for your play. I think its awesome what you are doing and the pictures of your travels make me go green with envy!! Keep in touch!
He he now I am sure you remember me … Only IIFTian can spell my name in that way :-)…..Btw don’t believe in Bhatti’s comment too good and stupid friend he is. Ya would have been great to see you guys in audience …No worries some other time and hopefully then I will get food from the hand of the Chef 🙂 Little obsessed with food I am:-) Keep writing. Good to talk (virtually I mean!!) after long time. Keep in touch 🙂
Thank you for an open-hearted and authentic post. You must consider starting a local bakery where you live. From what I gather, i’m sure the residents of the town you live in would appreciate a place that they would like to savor the sweetness of baked goods and the warmth of your personality. Your capabilities of manifesting that which your heart desires is infinite. So take on new challenges. Here’s wishing that your hopes and dreams come alive!
Fellow dreamer
Hey Fellow Dreamer!
Thank you so much for those encouraging words. At present it would be difficult to do anything where I stay since I do not have a work permit here. But you can rest assured that the dream will be turned into reality some day (soon) 🙂
Shumaila recently posted..Garam Masala Tuesdays: Ghiya Kofta
Hi Shumaila,
Have been following your blog for quite a while now and I’m hooked. Have tried few of ur reciepes in past, some turned out to be rather delicious and some were a total fail. Still trying to get them right though. Thanks for sharing these awesome reciepes, keep them coming.
P.S :- I’m Priyanka ur classmate from Rajmata Jodhpur 🙂 Hope u remember!!
Hey Priyanka Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment and following the blog and trying the recipes. Please do let me know which recipes did not work out. Maybe its an error from my side and I would like to correct it. Or maybe the instructions need to be more clear. Either way do let me know so that if there is something wrong at my end, I can change it so that others don’t make the same mistake!
P.S: Of course I remember you and hope that all goes well with you!
Shumaila recently posted..Garam Masala Tuesdays: Ghiya Kofta
What a nice introduction about yourself, seems like I know you better now than before 🙂 Keep on day-dreaming since the results are so beautiful and yummy!!! I hope someday you’ll be able to open that little-European-bakery and my family & I can visit you in India.
Thank you Nia! Would love to have you visit me in India, bakery or no bakery! 🙂
you’re so pretty… loved reading about you. i found your tagline so funny… about ryan gosling… I thought I was? haha!
Honey What’s Cooking recently posted..SoBe Dinners @ Cecconi’s & Hakkasan | Miami Beach, FL
Ooooooo….we might have a girl fight here!!!! 😉 nice strategy by complimenting me first, now I wont be able to be mean to you, dammit!
On a serious note, thanks! 🙂
Pingback: Dad’s Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Recipe | The Novice Housewife
Hey Shumaila!!
I just bumped into your blog all of a sudden and after reading the Meat Sauce Recipe, it struck me that it could be Shumaila from LSR! And what a pleasant surprise!
I really loved the write-ups which go with the recipes! (I am yet to try any recipe though!!)
Super happy for you!
Hey Jaya, thanks and how are you! Long time, great to get connected this way 🙂
Just bumped into ur blog,.. still exploring .. found it very interesting 😀
My name is Alec and I am the Affiliate Manager at seeking Health, I contacted you a few days ago but I haven’t heard back from you yet.
I was very fascinated by your website novicehousewife.com and I feel that it caters to the traffic that is also immediately relevant to what we offer, I was wondering if you would be willing to advertise our products in your site. A partnership between us, where you would be earning commissions ranging from 12-30% from sales made through your website.
If this is something that may interest you, please contact me through this email address alec@seekinghealth.com or visit our Affiliate program landing page http://www.seekinghealth.com/affiliate_program/affiliate.html to learn more about our Affiliate program.
Best Regards,
Alec/Affiliate program Manager,
Super impressed Shumaila 🙂 Found your blog while I was searching for a recipe and got hooked! Your photography is outstanding , keep up the fantastic work 🙂 Have liked your facebook page to keep up!
Sabeen @Mumchic recently posted..The Not So Green Smoothie – Looks Can Be Deceptive.
Shumaila ,
Your blog is awesome. Each post is a virtual treat and the videos you make are exceptional! Keep it up and keep blogging!
An ardent fan, from the moment I’ve landed here 🙂
Manju @ Manju’sEatingDelights recently posted..A Bubble themed Birthday Party – Manav turns 2 !!
I have 5 strands of grey hair! It’s like destiny.
I wandered over from Martyna’s blog (Wholesome Cook) and I love what you’ve done with the place!
Loved reading this section…. well written 🙂 Loved your snap too… you look ravishing!
Shema | LifeScoops recently posted..Cheesy Baked Pasta Casserole with Grilled Vegetables
wow, just one word to say…you look so much beautiful.
Great blog
Love your blog.keep up the good work
Thank you so much Jitendra!
i was looking for a mutton recipe which is essentially for a deep and heavy bottom pan. and i landed on your webpage.
i can say with confidence that the recipe is a good one and diffrent in the way you have given step by step directions.
also looking at the creative writing you have added to the recipe, it seems like you need someone to talk to and this blog is basically a vent to your feelings.
will try as many recipes. good work and i wish i could have a similar blog someday..
hi Shalu !
I came across this link on facebook…never knew, you so good at cooking… baby’s genes !!! Loved the receipies and the pictures….interesting read .
Keep it up .
lot of luv !
Poonam aunty
So glad I came across your blog. I moved to the US (from Canada) after marriage too and had to amp up my cooking skills also. I feel I can relate to you on many levels (I smile all the time also!).
Looking forward to keeping up with your posts =)
Just liked your fb page & saw your about me. Good to know a few things 🙂
and by all means, you are seriously not a novice at all
Keep up the good work & enjoy the holidays, have fun.
Girish recently posted..Gobi Manchurian
Just saw your blog and came to know by the way of samrat
Just one word. …WOW
Keep up the good work lady
Thanks Deepak! 🙂
Accidentally came across this link & blog. I read through a complete blog, first time ever. Impressed by the clarity in thoughts, expression & creative punch. The recipe too would certainly be so soulful. Let me try. Thanks, God Bless.
Hi Shumaila,
Came across your blog looking for an oats recipe..and stuck around. What a nice looking blog and great work on all posts including photographs. Very few people I meet have found their calling 🙂
Btw, looks like you know Jasdeep Minhas? I know her from work. I am in the US too..been here since 2008. Am in Tampa. Not Tempe. Sorry couldnt resist that.
Sent you a friends request on facebook, so i can keep up with your food posts. Do you have a seperate page you can direct me to?
Hi Namrata,
Thank you for appreciating the blog 🙂
Yes I do know Jasdeep, she is my cousin. Small world 🙂
I accepted your friends request, I do also have a facebook page just for the blog: https://www.facebook.com/TheNoviceHousewife
Thanks again for leaving such a lovely comment 🙂
Hi Di,
Awesome blog. Looking up recipes from here all the time.
Oatmeal & pumpkin cookies was a match made in heaven.
Wish you would’ve taken a cooking class at IIFT.
The photographs make me hungry 🙁
Never stop!
Debajyoti Bhattacharyya recently posted..How Close is this to India?
Thanks Debajyoti! I am glad you liked the cookies 🙂
Shumaila recently posted..Interior Hearts Cake : A Video Tutorial
Found your blog by chance and I must say it is wonderful. Really enjoyed reading through a couple of recipes.
really enjoyed by reading about interested to know more anout u,.
Your Kali Dal/Dal Makhani for the slow cooker recipe just blew my mind. Got a slow cooker recently and am convinced it’s the best thing since the microwave!!
As a working mom of 2 voracious foodie boys , we’re always challenged with finding interesting recipes that don’t require hours slaving over the stove. Just made Dal Makhani Tue night into Wed, and it was FAN-TAS-TIC! Awesome job experimenting, and thank you for the beautiful post.
– a new fan from Wayland, MA!
I am so glad you liked it Merline and thank you for letting me know 🙂 ! And yes, slow cookers are great to have in the kitchen!
You have a great blog and are really fun to read! I am just getting started, but found a small typo in the above section (“About Me”). I think you meant to say “processed” where you said “unprocessed” in the following: “So while most of the recipes you find on my blog are made from scratch and with fresh ingredients, there are few in the list that use unprocessed food. Like my friend, Jamie’s crockpot tater tot casserole.”
Thanks for the great read!
Haha…Yes processed food. That’s the word. Typos! Thank you so much for letting me know. Going to fix it now. Thanks for stopping by and appreciating my blog. Where do you blog at?
I’m so glad to have stumbled across your blog… whilst searching for unique samoosa filling ideas mind you! 🙂 Fantastic blog… addicted!
Hugs from South Africa…God Bless!
dude..the website is so cool. really good work. And the desserts are oh so tempting.
when are you opening your own bakery store? would love to order these (in India)!
Shumaila I am totally in love with your blog – recipes, pictures, writing – the whole kit and caboodle. SO inspired!
Thank you so much Sarah. 🙂
Hi there
Found your crock pot dal recipe online — really liked it (Made it last week) and making a 2nd batch today. It turned out really well so thanks!!
I am so glad you liked it Anuja 🙂 Thanks for letting me know
You are so inspirational! I really enjoyed reading your bio! I also totally understand your need for a creative outlet…busy minds truly need some space to roam! And you definitely have something incredible to show for it, indeed 🙂
I look forward to being your new regular reader! 🙂
Tash recently posted..The most heavenly Carrot Cake of all time – Frosted with cream cheese and pecans
Looks yummmm ……can I keep this for a day and den after eat..and in airtight container at normal temp or in freeze thanks…
@Onion kachoris..
Hey Shumaila
First of all thanks for sharing everything about u! I bumped into ur blog accidently (& I am glad I did) while looking for the Kadhai Chicken recipe (which was awesome & made me recall the wonderful chicken my mother cooks). This blog made me smile as I could see another me in a lot of things except I do not write and Ryan Reynolds holds the place of my soul mate :). I got married and shifted to London early this year & since then have been pursuing my love for cooking and baking seriously and I am loving every bit of it. With the help of ur blog I now have fresh motivation & inspiration to follow my heart.
Its an amazing and fantastic blog which I very much intend to follow! Keep up the awesome work. Cheers!
Stay Blessed 🙂
Is that who i really think this is?
I was looking for recipes online and landed here….how are you?
And is this who I really think this is? TAFS?? I am good! Where are you these days? Small world!
Hi Shumaila,
i am Jürgen Fromm, a professional musician (university of Kassel) and also a grafic and webdesigner at the side from Germany. I found you through a nice photo that you shot – two yellow mango kulfis. It’s beautiful and i wanted to ask you if i can use this photo for one page of a menue of a little indian restaurant here in Kassel. Theay are friends of mine. I could add your name and maybe your website in the menue.
You seem to be a very interesting person, interested in so many beautiful things as food, writing, making artful photos and im sure a lot more.
It would be nice if i get a positive answer as soon as it’s possible for you.
Many many greetings from Kassel,
Came across your blog while searching for heart pattern Swiss roll. Which I plan to make on my anniversary (24/12). Then read “About me” section where in loved the last part “And in the end, some randomness ” it lot of fun . I was amazed to read that so many things were similar it was as if it has been written for me except for the part of soulmate and washing pressure cooker. For me it’s I really really hate making Rotis. And I have my soulmate but do have huge crush on Simon Baker, Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Harmon.sorry for blabbering so much.
Will definitely try your Swiss roll and post comments if I could do it successfully ; -)
Hahaha. I hope it came out well. Sorry but I never got email notifications for these comments and am just getting around to see them.
I ran across your page looking up recipies for Rutabaga fries. Reading over who you are and the recipies you supply with beautiful pictures, i have to say I Love Your life! Me personally am not married and I am a career woman leaving me little time for my hobbies and play in the kitchen. A dear friend of mine says i’m the modern woman, but take it as a compliment i think seeing your lifestyle through this page you created made my heart actually want to become a house wife with hobbies instead haha if i could only find a rich man to support my dreams and passions. Your a lucky woman. I’ll be spreading the word on your page. Keep it up 🙂
Hi Samantha, That was such a sweet comment. Well I am sure your life is just as wonderful but it is always nice to not work for somebody and devote your time on hobbies. Now that I am working on making cakes from home, I do miss the luxury of pursuing my hobbies. I am still doing what I love but I have to customize a lot of stuff according to my clients’ requirement rather than doing whatever I like. So yes I can see why you would have liked a life like mine :).
Hi Shumaila,
A regular follower of your blog. Today it’s not about the food but your photography skills. Please do a write up on it too. Some basic key points or anything. Want to learn from you 🙂
Hi deepika, will surely work on a post soon. Just not finding time to work on the blog as much and when I do my internet connection plays spoil sport.
Your recipes and photography skills are simply superb. You should increase your frequency of posts
Thank you so much. And yes I should!
Home cook here <— nice! I am on instagram Kirk_McGuire_sculppture
Thanks! will check you out 🙂
Gosh, I can’t believe how alike we are. From the gum and the clumsiness to the 5 grey strands!!! Only,you are way prettier 🙂
Lovely blog Shumaila! Love the pics and the descriptions! And, of course David Lebovitz shared it on his page – so that is awesome!
Hi Shumaila,
I bumped onto your blog through FG and simply couldn’t resist reading through everything other than the recipes. I will go to the recipes later. 🙂
You write like you think!
I am helping my wife Asawari oragnise her blog. Have been a doing that on a snail’s speed. 🙁
You are indeed an inspiration.
Your food prep photos are wonderful.
Thank you so much 🙂
I have never attempted to make any recipe using yeast, (afraid to), but after seeing your Pumpkin Pull Apart Muffins, I am definitely going to attempt making these. They look so delicious they actually made my mouth water. Thank You for much.
Hi Joe, I hope you get to try the recipe. Do let me know how it goes for you.
Loved reading about you, I felt the similarities with you and my personality , definitely food crazy also. Live in Australia, came across your blog when I was searching for daal makhni made in slow cooker. Going to try it now. Sending you my love and fond wishes. Anisha
Hi Anisha, thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you liked the dal makhani. Hope your weekend is good.
just found your blog, looking forward to learning loads:)
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the recipes 🙂
Very honest. I am exactly like you in terms of smiling, when people talk to me and I don’t know what to say, i just smile. I can’t come up with quick responses either. Haha.. Ryan Gosling! Hot!
Honey, What’s Cooking? recently posted..La Lanterna di Vittorio | New York City (greenwich village)
Hahha… glad to know there are more people like me. A smile goes a long way!
Hey I was really young when I can across your blog, I was searching for a jalebi recipe. I instantly fell in love with the pictures and wanted to start a blog of my own after seeing yours. Almost 6yrs I bumped into your blog again :). So at the moment iam going through all your posts which i love.
Keep up the awesome work 👍
Hi Shalini, aww thats so sweet of you to drop by and comment. Thank you for appreciating my work. Means a lot 🙂
Hi Shumaila. Just wanted to say thanks very much for the Slow Cooker Dal Makhani recipe. It works so well with any combination of beans/lentils. The only variation I make is the use (and quantity) of fresh garlic and fresh chillis as we like it hot! The only problem I have now is making enough to keep up with the quantity we eat! I really could live on this delicious stuff. Anyway, happy cooking and best of luck with your photography. 😊
Thank you so much Zoe and am so glad you liked the recipe. More garlic and more chillies are always welcome in my household too, thanks for the suggestion.
What a lovely introduction! I am new to your blog and loved reading about you and have saved so many chciekn recipes already. I cannot wait to try them.
Thank you so much for stopping by Sheenam. Hope you get to try something from the blog and please do tag me on social media or comment if you do.
Now I am ready to do my breakfast, afterward having my breakfast coming
again to read more news.
Chara recently posted..Chara
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Dear friend,
Are you born on any month’s date Frist [ 1 ].??????
We both have so much similarity,
I’m now divorced last 20 year’s.
And make my food my own ,
So I’m always use internet for my daily vegen food .
Any way I like your kadi receipy picture ,
If your pic. Look good , your all food is good ,
See you
Best of luck
When I’m in us we meet .
Pingback: Cobalt Blue Mesh Leggings | Loubies and Lulu
Hi Shumaila,
Came across your blog through South Asian Blogger group. Awesome work, love your photography. I am a blogger myself but still learning and a long way to go. Loved your space. Check out mine if you have a chance at http://www.spicezone.com and would love to hear from you, your suggestions for sure. Will check out the blog in depth soon.
I find my best bud in your blog.
Honest . Fresh and Simple. Just the way the world should be .
Get ready to be stalked ( pardon me for freaking you out )
Hahah, always ready! Thank you so much Roopanjali 🙂
You look so familiar, have we met?
Well its very difficult to say. You would know better since you have a face to place the name to!
thank you for the article and keep up the good work.
Knowing you through this write up, made me write here. It was as if I am talking to you in person. Loved it completely. Would love to see you in person too.
Minni Singh
Finding your blog and exploring your recipes are so meaningful to me! Delicious foods and nice photos. Good job!!!
eatfrysmith recently posted..The 7 Best Pellet Smoker Reviews & Guide 2019
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HI There Shumaila !
Very knowledgeable blog thank you Shumaila ! Also the images was very breathtaking! Please continue to share your blog!
Good honest, sincere writing and loved the stories before each recipe. I too share some of the things you describe you hate but cooking is not one of them!
Hi Shumaila,
I loved reading your bold and liked your style of writing. I just happen to stumble upon your blog and I am excited to try some recipes.
Wishing you loads of luck and inspiration.
OMG!! Ryan Gosling is my soul mate too!! He just doesnt know it yet………his loss I tell you😄…..well We’ll just have to do a Bake-off to get his attention!
I so enjoyed reading your Post…….a sure pick-me up …….much needed given my day so far…….& therefore a Big Thank You 😊
Beautiful blog and beautiful soul.