If you have been following me on Facebook, you know today is Day of my gluten free and sugar free diet. If you “like” me on Facebook, I am sorry for the frequent updates (unless, you like these updates then I take back my apology). The reason why I have suddenly become so active on the Novice Housewife’s Facebook page is that if I let everyone know what I am eating, I become accountable and if I am accountable, I am more responsible in the choices I make for my diet and more likely to stick to it. So please bear with me this month with my constant updates. Because I really need to see myself through this diet. It’s not been so difficult so far. Thank god for the internet, google search, pinterest and Foodgawker. Finding gluten free sugar free recipes and making a diet plan has been so much easy because of these.
And thanks to Pinterest I am able to share the recipe I have for you today. I pinned these from “In Sock Monkey Slippers” blog. These beauties have been sitting in my files for a very long time, waiting to be shared with you all. And I am sorry it has taken so long to get to you.
Thinly sliced potatoes cooked with a creamy garlic and thyme cheese and served as individual sized portions. Sign me up for these anytime. They are a little messy to make (the muffin pan requires some clean up but nothing a good soak in hot water and a little muscle power can’t take care of), but the effort is oh so worth it.
Without much further ado, here is the recipe.
- 3 to 4 small to medium baking potatoes (1½ kg)
- ½ cup Parmesan, freshly grated plus extra for sprinkling on top (the original recipe has more, I reduced the amount)
- 1 tbsp fresh chives, chopped
- sea salr and freshly ground pepper, to taste
- 2-3 garlic cloves
- ½ cup leeks
- 2 cups half and half (I used fat free half and half)
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- ¼ tsp dry rosemary
- 1 tsp piri piri
- Preheat oven to 400°F. Generously (and I mean very generously) butter/ grease a 12 cup muffin tin.
- Peel and finely dice the garlic and leeks.
- In a large bowl, mix the garlic, leeks with chives, thyme, parmesan cheese, cheese, half and half salt, pepper. Stir to combine and set aside.
- Peel and slice the potatoes into ⅛″ thick rounds with a knife or mandolin. Stack about 7 to 8 potato slices into each muffin tin. The number of slices will vary depending on the thickness of the cut. Stack them tightly but not any higher than the muffin tin itself.
- Spoon the half and half mixture into each muffin tin over the potato slices, being careful not to overflow.
- Loosely cover the muffin pan with foil and place in the oven. Bake for 35 minutes. Remove the foil and carefully top each muffin tin cavity with a little Parmesan cheese. Place back in the oven without foil and bake for an additional 10 to 15 minutes until the cheese is golden brown, the potatoes are tender, and the liquid has absorbed.
- Allow to cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then carefully slide a knife around the edges to loosen, then remove and serve. Add additional thyme sprigs as garnish if desired.

Am enjoying your FB updates 🙂 And I like the idea of it making us accountable. Maybe I should try the same if i go on a diet (if ever)
Never seen a dish like this one before…Quite interesting!
indugetscooking recently posted..Aromas Of China Guest Review and A Fish Recipe
Thanks for te encouragement Indu! Will keeps the updates coming!
shumaila, i like the fact that you are conscious of what you eat and inspire a few souls in to sensible eating, so no apologies lady for inundating with updates . as for these stacks I am bookmarking it – they look scrumptious !
Oh thanks so much Priya!
God, these look so good! I love how easy the recipe seems (gotta try it out but I’m confident) and how scrumptious they sound. Would be great for party appetizers too, wouldnt they?
Vinita recently posted..Tis the season of Ganapati!
This is a great idea! Have to try it!
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