Dedication: en route on vacation and typing this blog post.

Appreciation: the good people at PocketChange recognized the hard work and dedication put in this site and were kind enough to award the blog with their Be@Home Award! šŸ™‚ (Do check out their site)

A completely unexpected high: winning Augustā€™s Daring Bakersā€™ chocolate challenge for my white chocolate, malibu & blueberry dipped chocolate. More so, because every candy I saw on the forum was drool worthy awesome! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

Lifeā€™s lesson: a failure can be turned into a prize winning success, if you donā€™t give up too soon (the winning chocolate was a result of a failed recipe- for the whole story read here)

Now, elaborating the first statement (donā€™t I sound all business-like. Look, papa I am putting my MBA to good use!).

Well, the reason why I am writing this post en route Grand canyon to Vegas is two-fold (and papa, you thought my MBA degree is going to a waste, ha!).

One, the scene outside is not so exciting anymore and the radio is not playing my favorite songs. V and my mom are asleep and the driver, my dad, is busy driving. So, I am bored and so the post (love my iPhone ā€˜notesā€™).

Two, (which is the actual reason, else I would have followed suit to mom and V) since I love leaving things to the last minute, I had no option to work on it to meet the swap date and time posting requirements.

*Update: Thanks to the non-functioning complimentary wi-fi of our hotel, the post is being posted later than it should have*

The first Sunday of the month is the reveal date for the Recipe Swap Club. And even though Christianna clearly stated that it will fall on labor day weekend (and me being fully aware that V and I would be out of town then), I procrastinated (arenā€™t you glad I didnā€™t use that MBA degree and become a manager!). I procrastinated till the very last hour before we left to make my dish (and when I say very last hour I MEAN the very LAST hour).

Now, like a true Capricornian, I have to justify my procrastination and find someone/ something to blame (on second thought I would have been a great manager!). So, I blame the rabbit, the place we live in and V (yes, the poor husband is always at fault).

This monthā€™s recipe swap asked us to modify the recipe for Wild Rabbit with Vegetables from Christiannaā€™s vintage cookbook.

Now, V and I both arenā€™t hunters. V wouldnā€™t even hurt a fly. He wouldnā€™t even kill the cockroach in the house, if I am not on his head shouting, kill it! Kill it. If left on his own, he would swipe the cockroach on the dustpan and throw it alive outside the house. Yup so killing a rabbit was out of the question.

Nor was ordering one from the local butcher a viable option- something about the place I live in.

In fact, V being mostly a vegetarian (with chicken and select lamb preparations being the only exception), there was no way rabbit meat was coming anywhere near him.

Plus, with my parentsā€™ visit and other stuff, I just didnā€™t find time to think about what I would substitute for the rabbit (well, with Vā€™s inflexible food preferences it was a no brainer that it had to be chicken, but how I would modify chicken for the recipe was something I didnā€™t find time to think about). Basically, I forgot about the challenge.

Then, on Thursday night, a day before we were leaving for our trip, it struck me that I had completely forgotten about the challenge- and since we were going to be out of the house for the next few days I had to make something that would finish in one sitting and would probably use my momā€™s to-go chicken fajitas from the previous night at the motel too.

I remember seeing these rabbit manjus on FoodGawker and thought it would be a perfect interpretation of the challenge.


The word manju is derived from the word mantou, the Chinese word for the treat which was originally a sweet mochi based bun from China. It was then brought to Japan in the 1300ā€²s. Manju is also called chukaman in respect of itā€™s Chinese origins: chuka (Chinese) -man (manju). The Japanese took to the sweet confection and itā€™s since evolved into a savory or sweet wheat flour bun favored by the masses in the cooler months. Well, I wouldnā€™t mind eating these bunnies anytime of the year. My parents, V and I loved them!

Of course, look wise they arenā€™t as perfect as the original. (I think the original were either finished off in the oven as they have a brownish tinge on top or were torched after steaming) But, do keep in mind these were made while also making breakfast, making homemade galouti kebab kathi rolls for lunch and packing for the three day long weekend trip- in between, throw in washing dishes and bathing. Considering that and how good they tasted, I think the lack of good looks can be excused!

Traditionally Manjus (at least the Japanese ones) are stuffed with anko (sweet red bean paste) but I saw a savory version here and decided to make them stuffed with leftover chicken fajitas. Since the fajita was from a to-go box there isnā€™t a recipe here but feel free to use a stuffing of your choice.

Adapted from here and inspired from here.


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 tbsp b pdr
  • 1/2 tbsp oil
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • Pinch salt
  • filling of your choice (I used leftover chicken fajitas with bell peppers)


  1. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl.
  2. Add the sugar and mix well.
  3. Add oil and then gradually add milk, stirring.
  4. Knead dough until smooth. Let rest 15 min.
  5. Divide dough into 4 pieces.
  6. Make smooth shaped balls n flatten them. Put a spoonful of filling in the center of dough.
  7. Wrap the chicken filling by stretching the dough and making it round. Place each piece on parchment paper. Make the ears and you could add a tail as well.
  8. Place the buns in preheated steamer and steam 10 min (I used idli stands and a pressure cooker since I donā€™t own a steamer)

Do check out the Recipe Swap page to see what wonderful creations the other swappers whipped up this month!

10 Thoughts on ā€œRecipe Swap: Rabbit Manju!ā€

  1. I smiled all the way through this post; you cracked me up! And I love the rabbitsā€¦so clever and yet Iā€™m betting they taste great. Iā€™ve wanted to try my hand at pork buns but now Iā€™m thinking some of the leftover smoked chicken from my swap might have to go into some of these buns!

  2. He, he, I love your way with the rabbit! They are so adorable, but I would not hesitate to pop one or two in my mouth.
    Your post made me laugh, as I could really imagine the whole adventure. Enjoy your trip and your parentsā€™ visit!

  3. those buns are too cute, and glad to hear you didnā€™t stuff them with rabbit! Thanks for a great take on our swap!

  4. What a great take on the recipe. The little rabbits are so cute and what an added bonus to bite into the stuffing. Great way to use up leftovers! The options are endless of what to stuff them with! (Also very impressed that you did this post via phoneā€¦that is a lot of miniature typing).

  5. HOLY CUTENESS. Shumaila, Iā€™m so glad you made it into the swap! Better late than never- what a fun post, and made me smile the whole way through, great use of leftoversā€¦ love the pastry, such a great interpretation of the original recipe!!!

  6. great post. Love the little rabbits they are amazingly adorable šŸ™‚
    Feel free to check out my site for a free giveaway this week. Thanks

  7. rabbits are really very cute šŸ™‚ We were in Grand canyon and vegas too over this long weekend.

  8. Very cute, I had the sweet version at a wedding in Malaysia ā€“ and they were pink. These savoury version look GREAT! Such as shame I missed this recipe swap, but I am looking forward to the upcoming one.
    Shari from

  9. Aria on 5 March, 2012 at 7:23 pm said:

    to answeryour question on the ears and the eyes, theres a special sauce (iā€™m forgetting the name at the moment, sorry!) that you spread on pastries and bread, and it creates that light brownish color after you bake it.

  10. Ratika Bhargava on 3 April, 2013 at 9:32 am said:

    What a recipe Shumaila! My husband is a chicken lover too and enjoys no other meat as much! I totally loved your idea of Rabbits, instead of the real ones lol. I am a vegetarian and I love your creative thinking of substitution!

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