I did the mistake of making a Raw chocolate banana smoothie for breakfast today. I have never been 100% sure that I am “allergic” to bananas because there were always other variables to the equation when I would get my severe stomach aches. But once I eliminated bananas from my diet, I was fine. I know that is proof enough but I had been thinking of trying bananas one more time just to be absolutely sure they were the culprit. So I thought I’ll try today. Mainly because bananas are really filling and they are the perfect addition to a raw smoothie, making it creamy and thick.

For someone who has no problem with bananas, this is a great recipe and food to take for breakfast when on a raw diet. But for me, it got my stomach into knots. Not as bad as it usually is, because this time I made sure that I had a celery stick every few hours. The moment I would get a hint of pain in my stomach I would grab a celery stick from the refrigerator. Celery somehow helped calm the situation in my guts!

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I have survived two days of my raw food diet, and seems like I would survive Day 3 (today) as well. (Fingers crossed).

Yesterday was a little difficult. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it was my friend’s daughter’s birthday. And she was serving pizza and cake AND beer! And for those of you wondering if I survived, well yes I did! I did feel a little weak by the end of the day- I think the shock of having cake in front of me and not eating it just did not sit well with my body. Today morning though I was fine. And fresh. And did 45 minutes of yoga with V. He does a different yoga than the one I am used to. I do P-90X yoga, while he does a lot of breathing exercises and of course a few asanas as well. I need to expand my lungs, so the breathing exercises were a good change.

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Today is Day 2 of my going Raw diet.

Somehow I survived Day 1. Although, watching television in the evening was painful. Every other advertisement on TV was a food one. A juicy burger between a sourdough bread and lots of close up shots- seriously painful to watch. And I never noticed how many shows have their scenes around food. People talking with chinese take out boxes, or sitting at the table to eat warm beans and grilled chicken with mashed potatoes. I knew that eating raw would make my senses more active, but I did not know that just one day of raw food would make me so much more observant to what’s happening on TV. I never noticed that food was such an integral part of the idiot box’s life. Raw Food Revelation 1!

Day 2 has been easier for now. But it’s going to get tougher in a few hours. My friend’s kid has her birthday today and my friend is having a small get together- the food on the menu- pizza and cake. No, this diet is not going to be as easy as last week when I was only on the gluten free, sugar free diet. At least my food was warm last week. It was cooked. And I could eat cheese. But this week none of that. Just raw fruits and vegetables and nuts.

Day 1 I started my day with some watermelon, soaked almonds, and a cup of this homemade almond milk that I am sharing today. I added some pistachios, saffron and crushed cardamom seeds.

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