Burmese Khao Suey | The Novice Housewife

I love my mom’s Khao Suey/Khow suey recipe. Khao Suey is always on the list of things she has to make for us when either me or my brother are visiting. I am not sure how authentic my mom’s Khao suey recipe is, so I wont make any claims on its authenticity and let you be the judge of it. What I can guarantee is that if you like curried chicken with noodles in a coconut broth, you will love this dish.

My mom got this recipe from our neighbours when we were staying at Hindan Air Force Station, close to twenty years back, and since then she has made it several times with her own tweaks for us and for our guests. Now, I do know a few people who cringe when they hear a khao suey recipe with besan/gram flour in it. My mom’s recipe is made using gram flour. If you are a food snob and believe gram flour has no place in khao suey, then call this dish something else but definitely do make it.

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