I am warning you before you start reading- this post is going to be long and its going to be sweet- very sweet!

There’s going to be chocolate.

Lots of it.

There’s going to be tragedy.

Plenty of it too.

And there are going to be cavities!

You bet! A lot of that too!

This is the exact kind of post my dentist would disapprove of.

And that is exactly why, my friends, dentists and I could never be friends!

The August 2011 Daring Bakers’ Challenge was hosted by Lisa of Parsley, Sage, Desserts and Line Drive and Mandy of What the Fruitcake?!. These two sugar mavens challenged us to make sinfully delicious candies! This was a special challenge for the Daring Bakers because the good folks at http://www.chocoley.com offered an amazing prize for the winner of the most creative and delicious candy!

The challenge this month was to try our hand at bonbons, truffles, chocolate bark, pate de fruits, honeycomb and any other candy we would like to make.

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These blueberry orange muffins are fresh and light with a hint of orange flavor and packed with delicious blueberries. Eat them as a tea time snack, or use them as the perfect breakfast muffin to start your day with. The muffins are great warm or at room temperature and they are particularly great split, toasted and spread with butter or jam. 

Blueberry orange muffins

Edited August, 2020 to add:

I love this recipe and realized I had not updated the pictures on the blog post that originally went live in August of 2010. I have made this recipe plenty of times, and also in a cake form too. Fresh blueberries are now easier to source in India and I realized it was time this post got a face lift. The original post photo, along with the step by step remains for these blueberry orange muffins, along with the new ones. I am sure you can make out which ones are the updated pics 😉

Original Post published in August, 2010:

For days there were these orange colored things that were lying in my fruit basket– getting more and more ripe as the days passed by. DH isn’t a fan of oranges, so I had to come up with some innovative way to get it in his stomach (I know, I know…they are like kids!). He is a Taurean, and very rigid about things he wants to do and things he doesn’t. So no matter how many times I told him please eat an orange, his hand would always reach out for the banana lying on the side.

blueberry orange muffins


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